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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Day Of School

Okay, so it's not technically 'school', it's daycare but we prefer to call it just sounds better & she is going to learn things like her letters, numbers, manners, how to share, how to follow a schedule, sign language and how to make friends....all the same things you would do in school. Right?
We ended up deciding on putting Marnie in daycare because she is at the age where she is social & ready to really play with other kids. Our nanny Parshnie unfortunately decided to move back to South Africa to be with family so that is what pushed us to get Marnie into a daycare. Sooo.. her first day went well! She normally takes a nap in the morning & a nap in the afternoon- too much going on there to sleep I guess because she ended up taking only a 1 hour nap the entire day. This is not my kid! Last week she took a 4 hour nap in the afternoon! So it's a whole new environment with new sounds, new sights, new week she'll be over it & back to her regular 2 hour naps I'm sure!

Here's John carrying Marnie in for her first day!

New buddy Henry!

See the little boy to the right? That's Alex. I think these two are already gonna be great buddies. Alex is on the "big kids side" of the room...which is where Marnie wants to be. She likes standing at the bookcase so she can see what the big kids are doing.

See! Here's Marnie & Alex doing the puzzle together! *so cute*
She's learning to play & share with other kids already!!! Yay!

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