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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poor Poor Poor Baby

Last week poor Marnie came down with a pretty serious fever and was in & out of the doctors office for 4 straight days. We even made a midnight trip to the hospital when her fever spiked to 104.8. She hasn't been sick these past 9 months but this one ended up being a doozy. Doctors weren't sure what was causing the high temp so they gave her shots in both her thighs of antibiotics (they did this 2 days in a row), took blood out of her teeny tiny little arm, did a nasal swab to see if she had the flu, put a catheter in to get a urine sample and even sent her for an x-ray to see if she had pneumonia. Tests came back after 5 days showing it was just a viral infection.
You know what the kicker is? Marnie was in daycare a total of 7 days & she gets slammed with this horrible cold.
Poor poor poor baby.

She is 100% back to herself now & is laughing & smiling & bouncing all over just like her old self.
Thank God.

Here we are trying to cool her down


Marnie's first trip to the ER

A little entertainment compliments of Mommy

Last doctors visit-you can see the difference a few days makes.

That's Windsor- the puppy Dada got her to make her feel better

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