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Monday, February 14, 2011

Crazy For The Hat

So you've seen Marnie in previous pics sporting this ridiculous hat but I have to tell you how many people have commented on it. People stop me to rave about it! There were 3 women in the doctors office that asked if I made it or asked where I got it. Then at the grocery store on Friday I would say there were at least 6 people who commented on it. One old lady had a crocheted hat with a huge flower on it too so she stopped to tell Marnie they had matching hats & that she loved hers & that she wanted Marnie's long eyelashes (don't we all?).

A friend of Robyn's made the hat especially for Marnie, along with a matching scarf. I sent her a pic of one that I had seen online & she copied it. It is so huge that it makes it just so adorable. Don't you think? I love it.

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