Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poor Poor Poor Baby

Last week poor Marnie came down with a pretty serious fever and was in & out of the doctors office for 4 straight days. We even made a midnight trip to the hospital when her fever spiked to 104.8. She hasn't been sick these past 9 months but this one ended up being a doozy. Doctors weren't sure what was causing the high temp so they gave her shots in both her thighs of antibiotics (they did this 2 days in a row), took blood out of her teeny tiny little arm, did a nasal swab to see if she had the flu, put a catheter in to get a urine sample and even sent her for an x-ray to see if she had pneumonia. Tests came back after 5 days showing it was just a viral infection.
You know what the kicker is? Marnie was in daycare a total of 7 days & she gets slammed with this horrible cold.
Poor poor poor baby.

She is 100% back to herself now & is laughing & smiling & bouncing all over just like her old self.
Thank God.

Here we are trying to cool her down


Marnie's first trip to the ER

A little entertainment compliments of Mommy

Last doctors visit-you can see the difference a few days makes.

That's Windsor- the puppy Dada got her to make her feel better

Pet Store

We stopped in a local pet store last week just so Marnie could see the fish, birds & hamsters. She was mesmerized by the talking birds & bright colored fish. I would be too! They are neat to look at. We left thinking we should get Marnie a fish....then we came to our senses & said "what are we crazy?"...we'll stick to stuffed animals for now I guess.

Pure Talent

Marnie's motor skills are awesome. She can pick up peas like a pro! Watch her with her toy- she is no joke! Click here.

Hanging With AP

AP was in town last Friday so she stopped over to pay Miss M a little visit. I think Marnie was happy to have Lovely visit too...until he decided to bite her with his toothless mouth because she pulled at his hair. Whoopsie. Hopefully Lovely will have no hard feelings & be back to visit again real soon!

This is Marnie literally right before she pulled Lovely's hair.

Hiccups Stink

Click here to watch poor Marnie with hiccups.

Move Over Betty Crocker...

...There's a new baker in town!

Cookies are all done!

Let's check on the cupcakes

Mmmm...which to have...chocolate or vanilla?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Marnie's first Valentine's Day was super low key...a rose & dinner at John's Best. Not too shabby for a 9 month old kid, right?

John spoiled us girls with roses, chocolate & a homemade card for me

Here's Marnie reading Daddy the card she got him

Bustin A Move With A Little Old School Rap

Mercy! Mercy! I Call Mercy!

Crazy For The Hat

So you've seen Marnie in previous pics sporting this ridiculous hat but I have to tell you how many people have commented on it. People stop me to rave about it! There were 3 women in the doctors office that asked if I made it or asked where I got it. Then at the grocery store on Friday I would say there were at least 6 people who commented on it. One old lady had a crocheted hat with a huge flower on it too so she stopped to tell Marnie they had matching hats & that she loved hers & that she wanted Marnie's long eyelashes (don't we all?).

A friend of Robyn's made the hat especially for Marnie, along with a matching scarf. I sent her a pic of one that I had seen online & she copied it. It is so huge that it makes it just so adorable. Don't you think? I love it.

9 Months Stats

Friday Marnie went for her 9 month checkup. Guess what? She is still off the charts in height. She is now equivalent to a 17 month old...which we already guessed since she measures right up to Miss Claire. Doc Owens said she is "very advanced" for her age in almost every aspect! Ha! He asked me "does she try to pull herself up?" "Wha? She's been doing that for 3 months now!"..."Does she try to pick up food with her pointer finger & thumb and try to feed herself?" "Wha? She's a pro at that & is now trying to feed herself with the spoon!"

He was very impressed and actually thanked Marnie for being his first patient & making his day.
You gotta love that, right?

Height: 31.5 inches 97%+
Weight: 20.8 pounds 80%

Long & Lean! Perfect!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Serious Cuteness

Valentine's Day Surprise

Marnie got a special surprise from the Yearwood/Schloicka clan yesterday...a Valentine's Day gift box addressed specifically to her!
What a lucky baby!!!!

Click here to see the toy she got! (FYI- no, the toy is not shooting out laser lights or anything, it's just the way the camera caught the light!! I do think the "special effects" make for a cool video though, don't you?)

Hmmm..what's inside?

Much needed provisions, Valentine's Day cards from K & M and even treats for the puppies!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yabba Dabba Do!

Yesterday Grammy picked Marnie up from daycare to hang at her house. I got a sweet little smile & super huggie from her when I picked her up...garsh that makes you feel good!
Check out Marnie cruising around in her walker... totally maDe me think of Fred Flinstone with her little feet going under the car. Click here to watch Marnie & click here to see how excited Tortilla gets on the way to Grammy's.

After only have a 2 hour nap all day & then hanging at Grammy's, I had Marnie wind down in front of the tv before putting her to bed. Must have been a long day for this little bugger because she passed out while drinking her bedtime bottle.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mirror Mirror On The Wall..Who In The Land Is Fairest Of Them All?

Marnie Rae is the fairest of them all!!!!!!!

Rocker Chick

All ready for school today!