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Monday, January 24, 2011

Mealtime Buds

Now that Marnie has started to eat some real "people food" on her own, a little brown doggy has been hanging out by her a lot more. Mylee is no dummy. She sits by Marnie the entire time that little girl is sitting in her highchair...she's realized there is a 99.9% chance that there will be food coming her way, either by droppings or Marnie actually feeding it to her. And Mylee's new trick at getting all the goodies? Sticking her head in Marnie's lap to get all the food that missed her little mouth. Click here to see these two in action...(and notice how good Marnie's getting at picking up her food)!

Thursday dinner:

And just to prove I'm not making this up, this is Saturday lunch:

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