Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Disney On Ice

Sunday morning was our big family day out- Disney On Ice! In a word, Marnie was MESMERIZED. She couldn't stop watching the show- it was adorable! It's sad to think she will never ever remember this day, even looking at photos she won't remember it. It was a really fun, sweet day and I'm glad John & I will at least remember & cherish it.

Click here & here for videos.

Here's Marnie in her special shirt I had made for her/John- it says "I LOVE MA-DADA"...the name John chooses to call himself (he likes to think that when marnie first came home he was both Mom & Dad to her because I wasn't able to care for her as good as I could have due to the fact that I could barely move from giving birth to a 9 pound 4 ounce baby!!!!).
Well anyway, I thought it appropiate to have her wear it to the show since John was the one who got the tickets.

On our way to the show! Mickey & Minnie joined us for the ride!


On our way out John wanted Marnie to get an upclose view

Family pic

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