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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Home Visit

So as mentioned in the earlier post, Marnie & I headed back home for a couple of days. We tried to see as many people as possible so we could get our Otterbein family fix in. Friday: shopping at the mall then up to Aunt Betty & Uncle Phils for dinner, Saturday: hanging out at the house & clothes shopping for Kaelyn.

A personal concert by Kaelyn

And a little "hot cross buns" by Maddie

Rainey even stopped over to see Miss M

Up to the Sicuro's for dinner & to celebrate Robyn & Sara's birthdays.
Take a look at the expression on Marnie's face!!! She's like "hey, enough with all this singing ...can ya just cut the cake already???"

Aunt Betty, Uncle Phil & Dad..pretty lazy looking crowd, huh?

Back home- Kaelyn read Marnie a story & off to sleepy she went!

Poor Divot- Marnie couldn't stop trying to catch the cats

Marnie & I slept over an extra night so that Uncle Brian got to see his little girl. Guess they both had a long day...

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