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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lil Baby Boo-Boo

Poor Marn got her first real boo-boo last night. We were getting ready to head out to dinner with Big G when Marnie fell & hit her head on the bottom part of our standing mirror in our room. Her forehead swelled up immediately & had a tiny little gash in the middle of it. Ouchie. She cried for a few minutes (I bet it really did hurt!!!) and then was fine the rest of the night. What a trooper. We tried holding some ice on it but she didn't want us bothering her. smarty pants parents came up with an idea....offer food & distract!

So we gave Marnie some cut up fruit & then concocted a hat/ice pack duo.....

to make this!
How smart are we??!!!

Poor baby.

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