Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011

G & G Time

Sunday morning the Guadagno's headed to church for the first time as a family. We made it 1/2 way through before we ended up leaving...not bad, right? It was our fault really, church started right when Marnie would have been going down for her morning nap. I thought the singing would keep her entertained enough that she could hold off on napping..guess not. But we tried! And that counts for somethin! Anyways, after church John & I had an errand to run so we dropped Marnie off at Grammy & Grampy's. They had the living room all set up especially for her- lucky girl! Later on we all had Sunday dinner- yum yum. Marnie had her first taste of Grammy's pasta- she L-O-V-E-D it.

Here's some pics that Grammy took!

Now, although I was not there to see this pic taken, I KNOW my kid. That face...that is her "I'm pooping face". Guarenteed.
See that little baseball cap? That used to be John's when he was a little boy! Cute cute!

Here's Marnie (8 months old) standing next to Claire (17 months old)

Now in all fairness, I'd like to point out that my neice is not a total scuzball...she just finished gobbling up Grammy's pasta & didn't have time to get cleaned up before the pics were taken. ; )

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