Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lil Baby Boo-Boo

Poor Marn got her first real boo-boo last night. We were getting ready to head out to dinner with Big G when Marnie fell & hit her head on the bottom part of our standing mirror in our room. Her forehead swelled up immediately & had a tiny little gash in the middle of it. Ouchie. She cried for a few minutes (I bet it really did hurt!!!) and then was fine the rest of the night. What a trooper. We tried holding some ice on it but she didn't want us bothering her. smarty pants parents came up with an idea....offer food & distract!

So we gave Marnie some cut up fruit & then concocted a hat/ice pack duo.....

to make this!
How smart are we??!!!

Poor baby.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fancy Meeting You Here Cuz!

Gettin Big

Gesh. My kid is 8 months old. 8 months old!!! Can you believe it? John & I just sit in awe in all that she can do now- it's amazing. She'll sit on the floor & then pull herself up to grab stuff out of her toy basket then sit back down and play with her toy and then get bored of that toy and do it all over again. She's 8 months old! How does she know to do these things??

We've decided she's growing up way too fast. Anybody have advice on how to stop this madness?

Click here to watch Miss M going through her toys.

Hmmm...what do I wanna play with?

A book?

Naaahhh...what else is there?

Ice Cream

Marnie had her first taste of ice cream. I can't tell if she likes it or not. Check out the video & you'll see why. Click here.

G & G Time

Sunday morning the Guadagno's headed to church for the first time as a family. We made it 1/2 way through before we ended up leaving...not bad, right? It was our fault really, church started right when Marnie would have been going down for her morning nap. I thought the singing would keep her entertained enough that she could hold off on napping..guess not. But we tried! And that counts for somethin! Anyways, after church John & I had an errand to run so we dropped Marnie off at Grammy & Grampy's. They had the living room all set up especially for her- lucky girl! Later on we all had Sunday dinner- yum yum. Marnie had her first taste of Grammy's pasta- she L-O-V-E-D it.

Here's some pics that Grammy took!

Now, although I was not there to see this pic taken, I KNOW my kid. That face...that is her "I'm pooping face". Guarenteed.
See that little baseball cap? That used to be John's when he was a little boy! Cute cute!

Here's Marnie (8 months old) standing next to Claire (17 months old)

Now in all fairness, I'd like to point out that my neice is not a total scuzball...she just finished gobbling up Grammy's pasta & didn't have time to get cleaned up before the pics were taken. ; )

Brrrr...Looks Cold Outside!

Mealtime Buds

Now that Marnie has started to eat some real "people food" on her own, a little brown doggy has been hanging out by her a lot more. Mylee is no dummy. She sits by Marnie the entire time that little girl is sitting in her highchair...she's realized there is a 99.9% chance that there will be food coming her way, either by droppings or Marnie actually feeding it to her. And Mylee's new trick at getting all the goodies? Sticking her head in Marnie's lap to get all the food that missed her little mouth. Click here to see these two in action...(and notice how good Marnie's getting at picking up her food)!

Thursday dinner:

And just to prove I'm not making this up, this is Saturday lunch:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Ask, You Shall Receive!

Since the cold weather started rearing it's ugly head in October & we switched Marnie's summer pj's out to warmer footed pajama's John has been commenting on how he wanted footed pj's too. I honestly can tell you he had said it at least 5 times. Well, when we were in VT with the Yearwood/Schloicka clan in early December he mentioned it again. Well guess what Robyn got him & Marnie for Christmas? Yup- matching footed pajamas!!!
They are hysterical!!!

Disney On Ice

Sunday morning was our big family day out- Disney On Ice! In a word, Marnie was MESMERIZED. She couldn't stop watching the show- it was adorable! It's sad to think she will never ever remember this day, even looking at photos she won't remember it. It was a really fun, sweet day and I'm glad John & I will at least remember & cherish it.

Click here & here for videos.

Here's Marnie in her special shirt I had made for her/John- it says "I LOVE MA-DADA"...the name John chooses to call himself (he likes to think that when marnie first came home he was both Mom & Dad to her because I wasn't able to care for her as good as I could have due to the fact that I could barely move from giving birth to a 9 pound 4 ounce baby!!!!).
Well anyway, I thought it appropiate to have her wear it to the show since John was the one who got the tickets.

On our way to the show! Mickey & Minnie joined us for the ride!


On our way out John wanted Marnie to get an upclose view

Family pic