Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Due Date

For the last 265 days John & I have been reading our daily exerpt from The Pregnancy Journal- each day it tells you about your babies development & what to expect during your pregnancy. Usually he'll read it to me in bed every morning. Here is what todays reading said:

Today is your baby's estimated day of delivery. Your baby is considered fully developed at this point. That means that all the development that takes place before birth has been accomplished. If born today, (which, today is the day I picked for the baby pool), your baby will weigh around 7 1/2 pounds and measure about 14 inches.
As you get to this point, you will find that you have more & more trouble sleeping and getting around (duh...ya think??!!). It's dificult to find any comfortable position, and if the baby is moving frequently or if you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions (I'm experiencing both), you may not be able to sleep even when you are comfortable. Try to relax and rest when you can (I went to some tag sales this morning, then am planning to lay outside in this gorgeous 80 degree weather & read my book, then take a nice long nap). It is probably difficult to be on any kind of routine at this point (uhhh..yeah).

So, May 1st....due date. Think she'll make it?

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