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Thursday, May 6, 2010

And We're Off!

This morning John & I did some errands and then went & got pedicures together. I really needed a relaxing day after my fit of crying the night before. John told me to go with a soft pink nail polish since we're having a little girl (that's cute...isn't it?). Afterwards, I took a nice nap, went for a short walk with John & the dogs, took a bath & then waited for our 6:00pm call to see if we would be heading to the hospital. Well, we are. We have to be there in 45 minutes (7:00pm) NOW we are freaking out.....our eyes bulged out of our heads when the nurse said "okay, come on in for 7- you can park in the labor & delivery parking lot".....oh my gosh.....what the hell did we get ourselves into???? No going back now, right?
Soooo....I have to stop typing so I can go get dressed & throw all our stuff in the car & take off to go have our baby daughter. Holy Macaroni.
Some time tomorrow...I WILL BE A MOM.

Til our next posting....

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