Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

You Lookin At Me?


Marnie had her 2 week checkup on Monday & everything is going great! She got her Hep B shot while we were there- poor little thing cried like I've never seen but got over it pretty quickly once her Momma picked her up. Such a trooper!

Here's her stats:
Weight- 9.5 pounds... 90th percentile
Height- 22 1/2 inches... 97th percentile (you can thank me now John)

Look at the little bandaid she got..too cute.
And let's take a look at those toes...yep, she is definetly an Otterbein.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

She's An Eatin Fool

The lactaction consultant came by today & weighed Miss Marnie- she is up to 8 pounds 15.5 ounces. Almost back up to her birth weight so that is great. She's almost able to fit into some of her 0-3 know what that means...tons of pictures to take!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Pretty Little Model


Push Present

After being in labor (if you want to call it that....I was so numbed up on my epidural & pain medication I didn't feel a thing during the entire labor & delivery) for over 12 hours, John told me he had a Push Present waiting for me after the baby was born. I had never heard of it before but figured it was going to be something good since I was about to endure what I thought was the most painful & draining experience I'd ever had.

I was right (about the present, not the labor & delivery). He gave me a beautiful emerald & diamond necklace- emerald being Marnie's birthstone. I haven't taken it off yet...and can I just say it looks fabulous with my sweats & pajama's.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Doctors Visit

Marnie went for her first doctors visit last week when she was only 3 days old. Today she is 12 days old- such a big girl already. She had lost over a pound when they weighed her so the doctor had suggested having a lactation consultant come by to see about getting Marnie on a feeding schedule. She is doing great now! The LC is coming by tomorrow so we'll get a weight update but let me tell you, if this kid is not sleeping then she is eating. I'm sure she has gained a bunch of weight back plus some.

Marnie felt the need to leave her mark & pee'd all over the scale. Oopsie.

Providence Baby, Providence!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time With Daddy

And The Winner Is.....

Crazy Lorraine!!!! Mom had the winning guess for the baby pool.

I guess a mother always knows best...huh?

Thanks Uncle Brian.....

...for the Jets hat but my loyalties are to Daddy & the Dolphins!

Jets stink like poo poo!

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's An Eyebrow Thing

It's Like Kate Gosselin

You're probably wondering what my belly looks like now...I'd like to compare it to Kate Gosselin's belly after she had her sextuplets. Close, no?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Know...I Know.....

I suck. How could I keep you all in suspense like this & not even post one little itty bitty pic of baby Marnie. Can I just say.....SHE IS CUTE. And I mean CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!

Below are just a few pics...way more to come.

Say hello to Miss Marnie Rae Guadagno (and might I add....9 POUNDS, 4 OUNCES)....Thank you.

When she came out the doctor said "whoa, that's a big baby!"...and then..."holy- look at the size of that cord!".

These are pics I took today (Tuesday night)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Phew....I'm Alive

Sorry for the huge delay in posting- I know I promised to keep it up to date & keep everyone informed but I had a bit of a rough time after the delivery...will post more about that at a later time..on to the good news:

Our little Marnie Rae is here!
She was born May 7th at 1:21pm....she's 21 inches long & weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 4 ounces. I SWEAR TO GOD. She's huge...her feet are wonder I was so huge!!! Many people asked if I was having wonder why- that kid WAS EQUIALVENT TO 2 BABIES!!!! She is just down right beautiful...right now she has John's chin & long pretty eyelashes and she has my upper lip & long toes. I haven't gotten a good pic of her as of yet because like I said, I had a really bad day yesterday & so far today she's been in the nursery getting her hearing checked & getting bathed.

So pics to come very soon.....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hospital Update Thursday Night

It's 10:20pm & we're just waiting for the doctor to return with the petocin. When we came in at 7:00pm I was already 3 cm dilated & 50% efaced so they didn't even bother giving me the suppository to help thin out my cervix.
10:35 IV just went it's just a waiting game.

And We're Off!

This morning John & I did some errands and then went & got pedicures together. I really needed a relaxing day after my fit of crying the night before. John told me to go with a soft pink nail polish since we're having a little girl (that's cute...isn't it?). Afterwards, I took a nice nap, went for a short walk with John & the dogs, took a bath & then waited for our 6:00pm call to see if we would be heading to the hospital. Well, we are. We have to be there in 45 minutes (7:00pm) NOW we are freaking out.....our eyes bulged out of our heads when the nurse said "okay, come on in for 7- you can park in the labor & delivery parking lot".....oh my gosh.....what the hell did we get ourselves into???? No going back now, right?
Soooo....I have to stop typing so I can go get dressed & throw all our stuff in the car & take off to go have our baby daughter. Holy Macaroni.
Some time tomorrow...I WILL BE A MOM.

Til our next posting....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The labor & delivery floor is swamped & has no room for the Guadagno's. For real. So now we are scheduled to go tomorrow night, same thing- they will call us around 5:00pm & tell us what time to come in & then induce on Friday. I was mentally & physically ready to go in tonight. I made sure my legs were shaved, my hair was washed & curled (yes, I said curled..I'd like to look somewhat acceptable in pics), bags are 100% packed & all our family had worked out their schedules so that they would be able to be at the hospital for a Thursday birth.

Well, needless to say...I cried. And I mean cried. I know it's just one more day...but...I am just ready.

You Know What Today Is?

It's Cinco De Mayo! What a great day to have a birthday! Especially coming into a family with a 'sister' named Tortilla!!!! Right??

We're packing our sombrero's.....juuuuust in case.

Feliz Cumpleanos Baby Guadagno!!! (How much fun would that be??!!)


These are the people who still stand a chance of winning the baby pool:

May 5
My cousin Lisa
My friend Kerri

May 6
Mylee's foster Mom, Ellyn

May 7
Crazy Lorraine (Mom)

May 8
My moms sister, Aunt Betty

I honestly don't think I could go past the let's just wait & see who the winner is!!!!

Seriously? Like.....Seriously?

Look what came in the mail for me yesterday!!! Hip hip hoooray! Thank you Victoria's Secret for thinking of me. Glad I was on your mailing list. It sure made my day to look through the catalog & see all those gorgeous women in skimpy bathing suits. It almost made me want to run right out & try some suits on!

I told John if he looked at the catalog I would bludgeon him.
He thought I was kidding.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's On Like Donkey Kong

Okey Dokey...doctors visit went well. Mom N joined us this time to see her granbaby before she is officially here in person. Ultrasound tech says Marnie is still headdown, fluids look good & she is pretty much ready to go- weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Then our doctor did an internal exam & says my cervix is still not thinned out enough. Sooo...Wednesday night we will go to the hospital & they will give me a suppository that will help thin out the membrane & get me ready for labor. Thursday they will induce me. Regardless, looks like I'll be home in time for my first Mother's Day!

Stay tuned......

Please Please Please Pleeeeease........

Get this baby out of me. Please.

We have an appointment today to see how I'm doing & hopefully Miss Marnie will be getting ready to make her big debute. There's a lot of people coming into town this weekend for visits/Mother's Day so this little one needs to get her butt out here!!! Aunt Sue from Charlotte is coming into town, as well as Bobby & Aunt Paula and just got word that an old friend from the auction gallery will be in Westport this weekend & might drop by. This is PERFECT timing for Marnie to arrive.

Will post more after the appointment.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Due Date

For the last 265 days John & I have been reading our daily exerpt from The Pregnancy Journal- each day it tells you about your babies development & what to expect during your pregnancy. Usually he'll read it to me in bed every morning. Here is what todays reading said:

Today is your baby's estimated day of delivery. Your baby is considered fully developed at this point. That means that all the development that takes place before birth has been accomplished. If born today, (which, today is the day I picked for the baby pool), your baby will weigh around 7 1/2 pounds and measure about 14 inches.
As you get to this point, you will find that you have more & more trouble sleeping and getting around (duh...ya think??!!). It's dificult to find any comfortable position, and if the baby is moving frequently or if you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions (I'm experiencing both), you may not be able to sleep even when you are comfortable. Try to relax and rest when you can (I went to some tag sales this morning, then am planning to lay outside in this gorgeous 80 degree weather & read my book, then take a nice long nap). It is probably difficult to be on any kind of routine at this point (uhhh..yeah).

So, May 1st....due date. Think she'll make it?