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Monday, January 25, 2010

Hardy Har Har

Ok, so granted I am not the skinny 102 pound girl John met 12 years ago...but I'm still not a porker. Right? I've put on 14 pounds so far from the start of my pregnancy. Totally normal. Right? So I won't discuss my current weight BUT it is still pretty low considering I don't exercise at all & I'm an 35 year old geezer., John says to me last night "come sit on my lap"...fine. So I go to sit on his lap & all I hear from under me is "uhhhhh...*gasp*....whoa...*heavy breathing* much do you weigh???". Always the comedian he thought it would be funny to take some pics making it look like I've basically swallowed him whole with my obesity.
See pics below.

He's lucky I like him.

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