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Friday, January 8, 2010

Well Guess What I Have!

So last week I started having these dull pains in my lower back (actually, it all started New Year's night at Mom N's & Howards. I had to stand up at the dinner table while everyone continued to eat just to muster through the pain). Anyways, the pain comes & goes but recently I've been getting these shooting pains in my lower back/upper butt area....and I guessed it...I have Sciatica due to the pregnancy. UGH. Thanks Marnie. I totally brought my heating pad to work with me today...poor poor pregnant me. Oh! AND my feet were totally swollen last night so I laid in bed with my new lavendar smelling, heated booties that John got me for Christmas on my feet and the heating pad under my ass. 4 more months....just 4 more months......

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