Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Beginning

As most of you know John & I finally became pregnant through a round of IVF (after we had done 3 rounds of IUI). Yes, I brought the camera for this procedure....ahhahaha. So here we are on August 11th at the fertility clinic. I was told to go into the changing room & then come into a different room in which the transfer would take place. A transfer is where the doctors actually take 2 embryo's that they had matured in a dish for 3 days & transfer them into my uterus. Fun fun! Well when I walked into the room the "doctor" was bent over the ultrasound machine & he said good morning & asked how I was doing...I said 'fine, how are you doing?"....and then the "doctor" started laughing....Yes, it was my husband bending over pretending to be the doctor and I totally fell for it. The nurse in the room thought it was hysterical...and I must admit, I laughed for a long time....who does that?????

"Doctor" Johnny

Uh huh

This is me warning John to behave himself once the doctor came in. No joking around or stupid comments..."just sit there, be good & don't say anything".

This is a pic of the two embryo's that were transfered!!!!
Just think, one of those little suckers is now a growing baby in my belly!

Being Pregnant......

together is so much more fun than going at it alone!

Friday, November 27, 2009


are disgusting. Period. They're supposed to be great for pregnant I thought I'd give them a whirl. Ew. Ew. Ew. I've decided to eat ONE a day...that is about all I can muster up and I figure one is better than none. Right?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Christmas Morning

John & I have decided that when we go on December 10th for our 20 week ultrasound we are going to have the doctor write down on a piece of paper the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope. On Christmas morning we will open it up by the Christmas tree and have the best gift of all! Now, who thinks I can wait another 2 weeks after the 10th?

Monday, November 23, 2009

17 Weeks Preggers

Can you believe this sh*t?!!!! Another 23 weeks to go??? Tell me, has anyone ever popped from getting too big? I guess I'm still good..if Kate Gosselin made it, so can I.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Little Fact.....

Around the 16th week this little bugger should be about five and a half inches tall and only six ounces in weight. The baby can grasp with HER hands, kick, or even somersault. Can you believe that? They say I should be able to feel HER fluttering around like a little butteryfly....we'll see.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Etsy Mobiles

I've been looking on Etsy for a homemade baby mobile, something different than the normal run of the mill baby mobile you might find from Babies R Us, etc. What do you think of these? I think the bird one would be cute if they could customize some of them with matching material that I might use to recover the glider & ottoman. Etsy is a website for people to buy & sell homemade items, so I don't think it would be too hard to contact the seller & ask them to make a mobile to my liking.

My Craigslist Buys

Yesterday after work I went & picked up some baby items I found listed on Craigslist. I love Craigslist- especially for this area where all the "rich" people buy this baby crap & then just want to get rid of it for barely nothing. That is where I come in & get all the deals. Can you believe I even got FREE baby items off of CL?? I got a swing, 2 baby bath tub thingers, a bumbo, and a bouncer/lounger. Now, granted I am not a huge fan of all the cheesy baby looking bouncers and what not, but I do see their practicality. So I decided I will use the cheesy items for up in the bedroom/bathroom where no one will see them but John & I- the cooler, more neutral modern items will remain downstairs for everyone else's viewing pleasure. You know what else I love about CL, buying used items is "going green" and I'm all for that.

So here are the 3 items I got last night for $40- all washable (which is a must for me). The thing I really love is the portable bug screen playpen thinger majigger- it's perfect for sitting outside during the summer nights!

Here's a pic of all the baby items I've gotten so far that are from either tag sales or CL that are piled in our garage...larger items include:
morigeau lepine crib $150
changing table $25
2 bumbos- 1 free, 1 for $3
glider & ottoman $30
Pottery Barn bassinet $150
Coco lounger $35
new boppy $5
baby bjorn- free from friend

My 2 bests find were the Pottery Barn bassinet. I paid $150- original cost was $428 + tax + S/H and........

the Coco lounger for $35- originally $199 + tax + S/H

Monday, November 16, 2009

There Are Rules People....

And if you don't obey this 1 rule there WILL be consequences.
THE Rule is: There will be NO TOUCHING OF THE BELLY BUTTON. You may rub, stroke, tickle my belly as long as you do not go near the belly button. Any touching of the belly button will result in immediate removal of your hands, a dirty look from me and cutoff of all future touching of the belly.

Pictured below is my belly with a box around my belly button showing the area you should not go near. Please study it well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Exactly 1 Month From Now......

We will finally be able to find out the sex of the baby!!! I just got back from the doctors office- babies hearbeat is strong, my blood pressure was 110/80 (normal low) and the doctor said I was a good size for where I am (ha! he lies). December 10th cannot come fast enough!!!!!!!!!
Let's see what everyone thinks....take the poll on the right side of this page... are John & I having a boy or GIRL?

G Diapers many people now a days really use cloth diapers? I know everyone is trying to "go green" but cleaning out poopie diapers is NOT going to be happening in the Guadagno household, that is for sure. Espeicially since John has a hard time not gaging while poop scooping the dogs poop with a 3 foot shovel!
I found these adorable disposable diapers that are also biodegradeable called gDiapers. They are extremely expensive BUT...can we just talk about how cute the little G is on the doopie????

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ummmm, Excuse Me....

...Do you know where my feet have gone??????? I was just walking into the kitchen at work to get a drink. I look down & what do I see? Nothing! Just the carpet! Where the hell did my feet go??

View as if I was looking down. O.M.G.....and yes, that is a real boobie! Pregnancy does have it's perks!!!! : )

Self portrait....can we come up with a name for that thing called a belly????
I'm taking suggestions!

Aaahhhh...My Dream Baby Room

Tell me this is not the cutest baby room evvvvver! The bird wallpaper on the ceiling is to die for & the bedding is so simple but truly beautiful. I'm hoping to enlist Sue's decorating expertise to help me pull together a room just as beautiful (while keeping to a budget). Check out all the pics of the room here.

I love these Jonathan Adler giraffe sconces but they are EXPENSIVE- how does one justify spending $195 each?

I bought this Dutailier Glider & ottoman set at Goodwill (thanks to Dottie for the heads up!) for a mere $30. The slipcover has seen better days for sure but I'm going to have brand new slipcovers made. I love the fabric on the chair that is shown in the room...wouldn't it be great if I could have one made just like it? And then accent it with a cute pillow?

Viola! I am passionately in love with this chair (and side table!).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NO! I Am Not Having Twins For God's Sake!

Kaelyn took this pic of my belly this weekend (after her & Maddie finally found out John & I are having a baby). I was exactly 14 weeks & 1 day. Do you know how many people have asked me if we're "SURE" we aren't having twins?!!!! Do I really look that big??

11 Weeks 6 Days

This baby is chillin' in one warm amniotic spa! Look how cute it's little nose & chin are! I pray it gets John's little baby nose....

Isn't He Just Sooooo Funny?

My sweet husband had bought me flowers...for no reason other than being pregnant. (love him)
While making the sweet gesture he had to put his little "dig" in & write "to JD & Daddy". He's teasing me that we're having a boy (JD possibly being the nickname for our son). If you know know I WANT A GIRL.

For Real?

So, there I am, driving home from work when I look down & see a huge gut! I had to take this pic- I think at this point I was only about 10 weeks prego....and already wearing my maternity pants. Lord help me.

Baby Guadagno

John & I are happy to announce we are expecting a baby! He or SHE is due May 1st- a little Spring baby!
Here's a video of Baby Guadagno at 8+ weeks old. Looks like a little blob with a heartbeat!