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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday Tradition

You all know what happens on Tuesdays....the Guadagno's try to venture out for John's Best $9.95 chicken parm dinner. Big G joined us this time, and boy can I just say how good that meal is!! And the best part about the dinner is that it is so big I have enough for lunch the next day. How can you beat that?
This time we mixed it up a little bit and decided to have "dessert". So we headed to Stew's for baby cones. Yum yum!

(On a side note, I'd like to say what wonderful neighbors we have. On my way out the door this morning I mistakingly left my chicken parm leftovers on the counter. OMG!!!! So you know what I did? I called my neighbor, Sue, to see if she was home...which she was, thank God... and asked her to run over to the house & put the leftovers in the fridge. There was no way I was letting that yummy goodness go to waste. Crisis diverted!!!!)

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