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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Philly Weekend- Please Touch Museum

This weekend we met the Yearwood/Schloicka clan in Philadelphia for a quick trip away. It was a really nice, kinda relaxing, fun weekend. The whole point of the trip was based around wanting to take Marnie to the Please Touch Museum for kids. It's an all-hands-on-touch-anything-you-want museum & it was amazing. You could easily spend a couple of hours at this place, watching your little one's learn & play. The cutest part of the museum, in my opinion, was the play grocery store. You could get a shopping cart & pick items off the shelves & bring your groceries up to the cashier (who happened to be Kaelyn & Maddie). Click here to watch Marnie pick out her produce!

"Do you take coupons?"

'Dr. Guadagno, please report to the maternity ward'

"3 cheeseburgers & 3 cokes please"

And for lunch...a pit stop at Pat's.

And yes...I ate the whole entire cheesesteak by myself.


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