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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr Archie Moore's Guy

Last night we went to Archie Moore's for some wings & nachos- appropiate baby food, right? So we walk in the door & a tall, older black gentleman came over & asked us if we needed a table. He's talking to John, who is holding Marnie, John tells him "yes, we need a table for 2 plus a kid" thing ya know, Marnie is reaching out to the guy for him to hold her! So he takes her & is talking to her & walking through the restaurant with her. She is loving it & giving the biggest tooth-baring-smile ever. I just kept laughing & laughing. Like hello! Who does that? And it gets better! He came back to clean off our table when we were finished eating & she wanted to go to him again! So he picked her up & walked her around again!!!! And then...2 ladies had been sitting across from us & watching Marnie at the table. They came over to say hello & the next thing ya know, Marnie is on the floor & one of the ladies takes her hand & walks around the restaurant with her!!!!! John & I just sat and smiled. Our kid is funnnnnny. And, it is nice to know she is very friendly, isn't it?

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