Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day BBQ

Monday afternoon we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for a BBQ & to take a dip in the "pool". Kids had a nice time playing, food was good & company was amusing as always. Day ended with John running down the street to catch the ice cream truck (literally)...I'd say by the look of these 3 kids faces, they had a great day.

How nice is it that they are the same size & can do the see-saw?

John & Jack running back after flagging down the ice cream truck


Memorial Day Parade

Every year John & I say we are going to go to the Town of Fairfields Memorial Day Parade & we never actually motivate to go. This year, we went! I guess having a kid to take is motivation enough. It was fun & Marnie had a good time watching all the people walking, the floats, the marching bands & especially the horse drawn carriage- she pointed at the horses & yelled. At times she was even clapping when she saw everyone else clapping, for instance for the Vets. *so cute* Click here for a quick video at the parade.

This could possibly be one of the cutest pics ever!!!*taking a bow*

Philly Weekend- Great Adventure

Sunday on our way home we all stopped at Great Adventure so John could get his amusement park fix. First stop was the Kinga Da, this time John had company on the ride. Robyn, Marnie & I pretty much stayed in the shade & watched everyone else ride the rides. It was hot, real hot so I'm proud of us 3 for sitting around while the other 4 had fun. Us Mom's get a big pat on the back & Marnie gets a gold star for being so good.

Ready for take off.....

Trying to stay cool

And back at home with her new Rocky t-shirt

Philly Weekend- Please Touch Museum

This weekend we met the Yearwood/Schloicka clan in Philadelphia for a quick trip away. It was a really nice, kinda relaxing, fun weekend. The whole point of the trip was based around wanting to take Marnie to the Please Touch Museum for kids. It's an all-hands-on-touch-anything-you-want museum & it was amazing. You could easily spend a couple of hours at this place, watching your little one's learn & play. The cutest part of the museum, in my opinion, was the play grocery store. You could get a shopping cart & pick items off the shelves & bring your groceries up to the cashier (who happened to be Kaelyn & Maddie). Click here to watch Marnie pick out her produce!

"Do you take coupons?"

'Dr. Guadagno, please report to the maternity ward'

"3 cheeseburgers & 3 cokes please"

And for lunch...a pit stop at Pat's.

And yes...I ate the whole entire cheesesteak by myself.
