Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 29, 2010

Who Wants A Pretty Smelling Baby?

I just discovered Mrs. Meyers Baby Blossom dryer sheets. O. M. G. They are the most amazing thing I've ever smelled- super fresh & clean & pretty. Perfect for new babies clothes! I have to admit, I did take out a couple & stick them in my underwear drawer...that is how good they are. So if you have little one's I'd highly recommend getting a couple boxes of them. I found mine at Marshalls for $3.99 for a box of 80- they originally sell for over $8.00 at places like Bed, Bath & Beyond. It's a nice splurge if you ask me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Photo Prop

I bought this little cocoon & hat set off of Etsy yesterday...I'm preparing for all my photo shoots I plan to put Marnie through. One thing about this picture though...who would put a kid on a plate in the grass? That's stupid. My pics will be better!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's A Growin

Doesn't my belly look almost fake? Like there is some stupid pillow shoved up under my shirt? Let me reassure you's real....and it's starting to get in my way.

Pretty Gray

So this is the color of the room..granted the doors, trim and baseboard still need to be painted but at least you get the idea of the overall feel of the room. Cozy. Warm. Pretty. Soothing. Perfect for SLEEPING!!!! *hint hint baby Marnie*

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Cuteness

So we decided on this organic Egg bedding set by Susan Lazar for Marnie's room. Honestly, the pics do not do it justice. It's got tiny little chicks & eggs in pale pink & really light blue. It looks gorgeous up against the gray walls that we did.
And just an FYI- I ordered it from Bed Bath & Beyond and used a 20% off coupon to save. Always the frugal shopper! : )

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hardy Har Har

Ok, so granted I am not the skinny 102 pound girl John met 12 years ago...but I'm still not a porker. Right? I've put on 14 pounds so far from the start of my pregnancy. Totally normal. Right? So I won't discuss my current weight BUT it is still pretty low considering I don't exercise at all & I'm an 35 year old geezer., John says to me last night "come sit on my lap"...fine. So I go to sit on his lap & all I hear from under me is "uhhhhh...*gasp*....whoa...*heavy breathing* much do you weigh???". Always the comedian he thought it would be funny to take some pics making it look like I've basically swallowed him whole with my obesity.
See pics below.

He's lucky I like him.

How Cute

Saturday afternoon we headed to Target to start our baby registry. What a pain in the arse if you ask the heck do you choose from all the different bottles, pacifiers & diapers??? I put John in charge of the gun used for scanning the items we want. Take a look at what he decided should go on the cute is he?

"I love Daddy"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010


A high end children's boutique in Westport is closing so they are selling EVERYTHING in the store at 1/2 price or less. I got there too late to get any of their good stuff (Bugaboo stroller for instance) but I did snag 60 wooden hangers for 50 cents each. Perfect for Marnie's renovated closet (pics to follow when it is totally done). How cute are her little clothes going to look hanging in the closet? Awe.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Etsy Art

Yesterday I received an alphabet print I bought off of Etsy for the babies room. It is cute cute cute. Can't wait to frame it & put it on my newly painted walls. As an added extra the artist sent a postcard of a bear & a business card with a bunny pulling a girl in a cart. I plan on framing them too to make a nice collage of pics on one of the walls. Did I mention how pretty Marnie's room is gonna be? Not sure if I have or not......

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cheap Help Is Hard To Find

Is it considered child labor if the kid actually ASKS to help work? Maddie offered to help John paint trim for Marnie's closet. John gave her $5 and she was happy. We couldn't get her to poop scoop though......

Thursday, January 14, 2010

She Is Rockin & A Rollin

Here is dear Marnie doing her usual bedtime routine (between 10:00-11:00pm every night).

Watch the video- look at the top of my belly, between 12 o'clock & 2 o'clock:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Complaints

Poor Me...this weekend my Sciatica acted up, I had a horrible Charlie Horse in my left calf that left me hobbling around for 2 days AND I ended up getting strep throat which kept me out of work for 2 days. On top of that, my skin is a wreck from the dry air/heat in the house. Good thing I got that Johnny boy locked in via marriage! HA!

Move Over Martha, Sue Is In The House

Sue came over yesterday & we began to really get down to the nitty gritty on the room. I think we decided on a paint color- Vapor Trails, a really light gray. She did the whole layout of the room from top to bottom & I must say...I am super excited to see this project done. Not to brag...but it may just be the cutest babies room ever! I purchased the elephant hamper & Pier 1 table (on sale no less! heeheehee) just like the Mallory Room I originally wanted to copy. And no, I'm not buying the $200 a piece giraffe sconces! LOL

Friday, January 8, 2010

Well Guess What I Have!

So last week I started having these dull pains in my lower back (actually, it all started New Year's night at Mom N's & Howards. I had to stand up at the dinner table while everyone continued to eat just to muster through the pain). Anyways, the pain comes & goes but recently I've been getting these shooting pains in my lower back/upper butt area....and I guessed it...I have Sciatica due to the pregnancy. UGH. Thanks Marnie. I totally brought my heating pad to work with me today...poor poor pregnant me. Oh! AND my feet were totally swollen last night so I laid in bed with my new lavendar smelling, heated booties that John got me for Christmas on my feet and the heating pad under my ass. 4 more months....just 4 more months......

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh Please Please Please.....

...don't let this happen to me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Personal Designer Big G's girlfriend Sue is an interior decorator/designer so I've asked for her professional help with the babies room and she graciously has accepted. Sue & Big G came over last night to inspect the work John has been doing on the room (spackling, etc) & to get measurements to begin the layout of the room. How awesome is that? Up next is looking at fabrics for possible bedding, curtains and for the slipcover for the glider & ottoman. Paint color is going to be determined once we decide on fabric (I think that is the sequence we're going with). I have one special Louis Icart print that Robyn gave me that I definetly want to use in the room...other than that, everything else is up in the air for Sue's approval. Baby Marnie is going to have one special room.

Example of Icart's work- this original signed print is on Ebay for $7K.