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Monday, October 3, 2011

Not So Great Doctors Visit

Friday we had another doctors visit- this was supposed to be a routine ultrasound with blood work & a sugar test. They ended up measuring my cervix too just to be on the safe side...good thing they did because it is starting to get thin. They like to see the cervix measure about 30... I was at 27... 25 you are pretty much on bed rest. John asked the doctor about me traveling back home for visits and she said "No way". Basically she said I am a high risk pregnancy with twins & what would happen if I went into labor while there? My options for hospitals were not good, thinking I would most likely have to be helicoptered to Westchester Medical if an emergency should arise. And her response "Amy, no offense but if you are out in the middle of nowhere, in upstate NY, without a hospital that is fully equipped to handle an emergency C-section with high risk're babies are done. If anything should go wrong here, you will be rushed to Yale, which is one of the top hospitals in the country". trip back home to see my friends & family has been cancelled. It's so disappointing because this was going to be my first time back home for a weekend without Marnie, where I could hang with my friends like old times. : (
Of course babies come first....but I'm still super disappointed.

So, I was also told to stay off my feet as much as possible (they are beginning to swell) & know my own body & when I've done too much.

During the ultrasound

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