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Monday, October 3, 2011

Date Night With Jane Fonda

Saturday night John was itching to get out of the house so he decided to take Marnie out on his own for dinner & hockey game (I was too wiped out). We had been working on getting Marnie's old room cleaned up & ready for the twin's arrival since they will be going into that room since it's the bigger of the rooms. So while cleaning up I found a headband & stuck it on Marnie's head. John loved it & decided to take Marnie out looking like she did (with pink velour track suit to boot). She looked like she was ready for a workout. Well off to have a burger they went...and apparently our daughter is a total chick magnet...mmmm hmmm......
They never made it to the Islanders hockey game but they did come back to the house with beer so John could watch the Yankee game. So not only did he take my kid out looking like Jane Fonda, he also took her to the liquor store.....
What the hell kind of date was this???

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