Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Carving 2011

Last night Grammy & Grampy came over for our annual pumpkin carving. This year Marnie was actually able to join in on the fun! She wouldn't touch the "guts" of the pumpkin with her hands but did have fun scooping it out with a big spoon. Pumpkins came out great!

(Marnie after her ice cream bon-bon...)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ringling Brothers Circus

Sunday night we went to see the circus! I found it only fitting that Marnie wear her new leopard print outfit since we were going to see tigers & bears & elephants...she fit right in! She also decided to bring Monkey along with her...very befitting also, wouldn't you agree?
Marnie LOVED the show..she was so cute, clapping at the end of each segment & just watching the animals & acrobats in awe. Fun time had by all!

Yes, that would be Miss M making herself completely comfortable eating goldfish & watching the show. I love her.

Monkey met a friend!

Silverman's Farm

Saturday we made a trip up to Silverman's Farm to go to the petting zoo & to grab a fresh baked apple pie. Once again we walked away without buying a pumpkin but got some cute pics of Miss Marnie. Lovvve that!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What It's Like To Have The Cutest Kid In The World...

Apparently Marnie thought the basket that holds diapers, wipes & cream could be put to better use. How she crammed her little butt & long legs in there I'm not sure but garsh, she is just too cute, isn't she?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Would You Do This?

Marnie's new way of feeding puppies treats! Click here to watch her.

Pumpkin 'Picking'

This past weekend we went with the family for our annual trip up to Jones Farms for some pumpkin picking. I use that term loosely because we have yet to ever pick or buy a pumpkin from them...we actually just go for the photo ops! Hee hee hee. It was cold & windy & blistery so this years trip was quicker than usual. I still managed to squeeze in some great pics though!

My favorite- look how happy she is!!

Picture Day

Friday was picture day at school. I brought Marnie in there thinking she was going to be hot sh*t, posing for the camera with her big smile....ummmm, no. She walked into the studio area & cried. And cried..even starting to hyperventilate. Ahahaha...and here I am, 14 months pregnant, trying to kneel down to console her. We were a mess. Finally she calmed down enough for us to get some pictures but by that time she was red & blotchy & still not giving any kind of smile. Can't wait to see how fabulous the pics came out! Not.

Oh well. She did look absolutely adorable though...that counts for something, right?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Move Over Paula Dean

Last night we made chicken cutlets for dinner. Marnie was in one of those "I'm tired & cranky moods" so we put her butt to work to try to keep her occupied. She was in charge of the eggs. Click here to watch her mix em!

p.s. Can we talk about how friggin cute her pint size Anthropologie apron is?

Double Trouble-Witching Hour

Every night between 7:00-8:30pm these 2 kids go crazy. It's a true Witching Hour where they just go bonkers and honestly, I think they beat the sh*t out of each other in there...see who can scrap up the most room in my warm cozy uterus.
Looking at these pictures I realize they DO NOT do the belly justice...granted I am laying down but really, my belly is HUGE. None of my old maternity clothes fit that I wore with Marnie, I am down to 2 pairs of stretch pants. That is pretty sad if you ask me. : (

Click here to see a quick video of Baby A going a little crazy.
If you watch closely you can first see some rumblings near my belly button & then watch to the left of the'll see what looks like an arm pushing up & moving along my belly. It's fast so keep an eye on the screen!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Almost Forgot....

At Marnie's doctor visit last week she weighed in at 23 pounds and she is now the height of a 26 month old. Doc said she was "so far off the charts"...really??? I mean she's always been tall...but now John & I are we have a Ripley's Believe It or Not baby on our hands??

Let's revisit this pic: check out how long her legs & arms are!

Yep, that's MY baby!

80 Degrees In October

After Marnie's long stay at the Yearwood/Schloicka Clan's house she finally returned on Sunday morning. Robyn & the girls decided to stay over & watch Marnie on Monday for us since her daycare is closed. So what to do on a beautiful October day..with the temperature being 80 degrees? Yep, you guessed it- we headed to the beach. It was packed, especially for showing up at 3:00pm. It was low tide so it made for perfect sandcastle making! After October 1st dogs are allowed on the beach, so there were tons of dogs & even 2 horses and a pony! How much do I love Fairfield? Let me count the ways...

Totally inappropiate, no?

Guess who had strawberries?