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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Treats For Puppies

Okay, I know I'm Marnie's Mom & all and I'm supposed to think she's the best thing next to sliced cheese & I know I'm supposed to think she's cuter than she is, funnier than she is, more well behaved than she is.....cuz I'm Mom. BUT....can I just tell friggin smart she is??? And this is for real!!! It's totally undebatable!!!

Her new thing is wanting to get the puppies a treat. Sometimes I ask her if she wants to, sometimes she takes it upon herself to get them one. Well of course now Tortilla & Mylee are all about Marnie when they see her strolling over to the treat drawer. She knows how to open the drawer, get the bag of treats out, pick one treat for each puppy & then close the drawer again. And, I'm not sure why she does this but every single time she goes to open the drawer she lets out a long scream. I think she is mimicking me because most times when I would go to get a treat for the dogs I would yell for them. You know what else this little bugger does now too? She calls the dogs by their names "My My" and "Tia".


Click here to watch Marnie get the puppies a treat!

(notice the hair band?)

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