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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11, 2012- 10 Years Later

You know how people ask "do you remember what you were doing or where you were when 'September 11th' happened? I do. I was just leaving work from doing the over night shift at the group home I used to work at. The girl coming on for the next shift told us she heard there was a plane that flew into the tower...hmm...'that's too bad' I thought and left to go up to TJ Maxx. Awhile later John called me to check in on me & told me about the second plane & that it was terrorism & to get home.
So, now for the 10 year anniversary of 'September 11th' I will remember what I did that day & so will Marnie. In the morning we had breakfast & then watched some of the memorial services they had on tv. Later on we went to Ikea for baby stuff, then stopped at Walmart for a bike helmet for Marnie. Somewhere in between Marnie made a mess of herself- there was chocolate milk all over her, cinnamon stick sugar all over her mouth & black oreo crisps smudges on her hands & face. And yes, we totally took her into Walmart looking like's ya know...uhh...Walmart. No offense.
The Walmart employee that greeted us at the door even asked if we wanted a napkin to clean up our kid. Do ya love it????


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