Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sitting 'On' My Lap

Last night Marnie & I were reading books on the couch together. She wanted to sit on my lap...ummm....yeah, there's no room! So look how she decided to sit. Doesn't she just make you smile?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


One of the things that John & Marnie like to do together is "Steamroller". Basically John makes Marnie lay as flat as a board on the bed, with her arms straight against her body, and then he rolls over her and says "Steeeeammmmrollllller". Then, Marnie gets on top of John and does it to her own way. Click here to watch.

It really is cute to watch because she gets such a kick out of it each time...and mind you, they've been doing this for a long time now.

"Marnie, wanna do steamroller?"

Marnie's version of steamroller

Monday, September 26, 2011

Old Friends

The Walsh Clan came over for Sunday pasta dinner- how fun to have 4 little munchkins running around playing.
It was sweltering in the house so at one point they were all running around in their diapers. Tis good to be a toddler!
(Wanna know how we got all 4 kids to look the same way? We dangled an ice cream sandwich in front of them...ahahaha)

Annual Neighborhood Block Party

Yesterday was our annual neighborhood block party- how awesome is it to live in an area where you can do this? Marnie pretty much wanted nothing to do with us & was a social butterfly. She was going up to people offering them pieces of her cookie, was trying to help herself to the sangria & was busy playing with Soleil, our 8 year old next door neighbor. Soleil pretty much babysat Marnie while we were there so John slipped her $10 for taking our kid off our hands. Love it.

Yep, Home Depot On A Saturday Night pajamas

New Friend

Saturday morning we went over to meet the newest addition to the Bonneau family- little Max Thunder! He is cute cute cute!!!

Yeah! Another friend for Marnie!

Bad Into Good

Friday morning on my way to work I was in a 4 car accident. Thankfully I was not hurt at all, just a little whiplash & feeling of had been beaten up but basically pretty safe & sound. John came to the scene & picked me up & together we went to the hospital to make sure the babies were okay. We ended up being at the hospital for over 6 hours so they could monitor the babies heartbeats, make sure I had no bleeding in my uterus & to make sure I did not start having contractions. They did their routine ultrasounds on the babies & then surprised us with 3D images of the babies! So we got to see what they look like!!!! What an awesome way to end a pretty sucky morning!

Baby A

Baby B

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Floating Leaf

Yesterday morning when Marnie & I were walking out to my car we spotted a floating leaf. It was the coolest thing! Click here to see it & listen to smarty pants say "leaf"!

Double Trouble 26 Weeks

Last week we had our 26 week ultrasound/checkup on the twins. They are doing amazing! This Mama's oven knows how to bake babies to perfection! They are both about 2.1 pounds..."above average" says the tech. Well, of course they are!!! Remember my 9.4 pound baby the first time around? Why would this time be any different?? *rolling my eyes*
Apparently in the ultrasound world, as we learned, little girls have "hamburgers" and little boys have "hot dogs". Ew...but funny.

Twin A's "hamburger"- you are looking directly at the bottom of her hiney

Twin A thinks her hamburger is funny

Twin B- facing us

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Office Visit

Marnie & John popped their heads into my office yesterday late afternoon. John was heading to the airport for a business trip so he dropped Marnie off. This kid made herself right at home. Now, how long until you think I can get her to answer phones & say "Charter Oak Partners, can I help you?"?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Touch A Truck

Sunday we walked down to Warde High School to the Touch A Truck event being held for kids. Basically they had the parking lot full of police, fire, ambulance, tow, and dump trucks where the kids could climb into the vehicles, beep the horn or pull the sirens and just see what it's like to be inside. They also had some food vendors, music, mini train, a few animals that you could pet & go carts. While this was going on there was also a middle school football game being played so went & watched that for a little bit. We all had a great time. So nice to be able to walk to such activities too- we LOVE where we live!
Click here to watch Marnie & John in the Go Cart!

I love this pic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Supa Starrrr

I Could Kill Her

Uh huh....she's lucky she's sick. And cute.

Click here for a short video.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Treats For Puppies

Okay, I know I'm Marnie's Mom & all and I'm supposed to think she's the best thing next to sliced cheese & I know I'm supposed to think she's cuter than she is, funnier than she is, more well behaved than she is.....cuz I'm Mom. BUT....can I just tell friggin smart she is??? And this is for real!!! It's totally undebatable!!!

Her new thing is wanting to get the puppies a treat. Sometimes I ask her if she wants to, sometimes she takes it upon herself to get them one. Well of course now Tortilla & Mylee are all about Marnie when they see her strolling over to the treat drawer. She knows how to open the drawer, get the bag of treats out, pick one treat for each puppy & then close the drawer again. And, I'm not sure why she does this but every single time she goes to open the drawer she lets out a long scream. I think she is mimicking me because most times when I would go to get a treat for the dogs I would yell for them. You know what else this little bugger does now too? She calls the dogs by their names "My My" and "Tia".


Click here to watch Marnie get the puppies a treat!

(notice the hair band?)

Like Father, Like Daughter


September 11, 2012- 10 Years Later

You know how people ask "do you remember what you were doing or where you were when 'September 11th' happened? I do. I was just leaving work from doing the over night shift at the group home I used to work at. The girl coming on for the next shift told us she heard there was a plane that flew into the tower...hmm...'that's too bad' I thought and left to go up to TJ Maxx. Awhile later John called me to check in on me & told me about the second plane & that it was terrorism & to get home.
So, now for the 10 year anniversary of 'September 11th' I will remember what I did that day & so will Marnie. In the morning we had breakfast & then watched some of the memorial services they had on tv. Later on we went to Ikea for baby stuff, then stopped at Walmart for a bike helmet for Marnie. Somewhere in between Marnie made a mess of herself- there was chocolate milk all over her, cinnamon stick sugar all over her mouth & black oreo crisps smudges on her hands & face. And yes, we totally took her into Walmart looking like's ya know...uhh...Walmart. No offense.
The Walmart employee that greeted us at the door even asked if we wanted a napkin to clean up our kid. Do ya love it????


Oyster Festival

Saturday afternoon we headed down to Norwalk to the Oyster Festival. The best thing they had to eat there...the pickles! Just another way of showing that Marnie is a true Otterbein girl.
Click here to watch Marnie & John on the dinosaur ride!

To The Beach Again!

Marnie's friend Claire was in town from Ohio so off us girls went to the beach. Free entertainment..we're there!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Arm Stuff

If you remember, Marnie has always had a thing for putting 'items' around her wrist or on her arm. Months ago I would go in to wake her up & every morning she would have a material ring around her wrist. Her new thing is diving into my bathroom drawer & stealing all my hair bands. And she doesn't put them around her wrist, she yanks them up as far as they will go on her arm.
Where does she get this from???


And this morning...