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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Staycation 2011- Day 11- Hurricane Irene!

Sunday morning John woke Marnie, Tortilla, Mylee & I up around 5:00am in preparation for Hurricane Irene. He wanted us all downstairs, safe together. Throughout the morning we really did not get much more than heavy winds & some rain. We weren't impressed to say the least. There were tons of areas in Fairfield that got hit really hard, especially over by the beach where they had a surge of water come in from the beach when it was high tide. One block up from Grammy & Grampy's house water was knee high- beyond that, closer to the beach the water was waist high. Apparently there were 2 beach houses that collapsed during the storm. It's amazing to think of the destruction that took place a mile + from our house & all we got was some branches & leaves down in our yard.
Glad everyone we knew was safe & sound.

John just waiting for Irene to hit

Marnie & I did some arts & crafts to help pass the time

Exhausted from watching too much Irene coverage throughout the night

Here's a pic of Fairfield Beach before the storm really hit- doesn't quite look like the same beach we spent the last few days at, does it???

Here's a street near G&G that was a block up from them- still flooded the next day but clearly no where near what it was the day before

Marnie wanted to help G&G with the cleanup- such a good girl

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