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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Double Trouble Pics

Yesterday John & I had a 22 week ultrasound appointment at Yale. Since I'm an old lady having twins I'm considered high risk so we have to go up to Yale once a month for checkups. So everything went well & both babies are doing great! Of course Baby B was more cooperative again...Baby A better get her act together! At the beginning of the ultrasound both babies were faced down with their heads together- by the end Baby B had moved a bit & Baby A's head was resting on her sisters stomach. Because Baby B moved the sonographer was able to get a great pic of Baby B's foot...and guess what? Looks like she has the infamous big toe that Miss Marnie has!!! So now we are calling Baby B "Baby Big Toe".
Below are some profile shots & also the "toe".

Baby A

Baby Big Toe

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