Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tigal Tigal = Tickle Tickle

Marnie's new thing is tickling feet. I was doing it to her & the next thing you know she wanted to do it to me...and the way she says "tickle tickle" is so beyond cute..she says "tigal tigal" and rolls her little tongue on the g's. Click here to see her in action.

You Asked, You Shall Recieve My Friends

I've had many belly shot requests lately...even a friend going as far as saying my uterus is boring her....well here ya go people!! Take a looky here. I even donned a BIKINI for the pics- somebody owes me big for this one.

24 weeks preggers...Enjoy!

Staycation 2011- Day 11- Hurricane Irene!

Sunday morning John woke Marnie, Tortilla, Mylee & I up around 5:00am in preparation for Hurricane Irene. He wanted us all downstairs, safe together. Throughout the morning we really did not get much more than heavy winds & some rain. We weren't impressed to say the least. There were tons of areas in Fairfield that got hit really hard, especially over by the beach where they had a surge of water come in from the beach when it was high tide. One block up from Grammy & Grampy's house water was knee high- beyond that, closer to the beach the water was waist high. Apparently there were 2 beach houses that collapsed during the storm. It's amazing to think of the destruction that took place a mile + from our house & all we got was some branches & leaves down in our yard.
Glad everyone we knew was safe & sound.

John just waiting for Irene to hit

Marnie & I did some arts & crafts to help pass the time

Exhausted from watching too much Irene coverage throughout the night

Here's a pic of Fairfield Beach before the storm really hit- doesn't quite look like the same beach we spent the last few days at, does it???

Here's a street near G&G that was a block up from them- still flooded the next day but clearly no where near what it was the day before

Marnie wanted to help G&G with the cleanup- such a good girl

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Look Who Made The Local Online Newspaper!

Click here to see the article!

Staycation 2011- Day 9

Saturday was a day of preparing for Hurricane Irene which was due to hit us early Sunday morning. We made sure we had all our candles, matches, bottled water, food & ice ready- we even prepared the basement incase we had to sleep/hang out there during the storm. We headed over to the beach around 1:00pm to check out the Sound & to fly a kite. It was misting, super windy (see my hair as proof) & very gloomy at the could FEEL something was brewing!

That's our parrot kite!

Staycation 2011- Day 8

Friday was our trip to Mystic Aquarium. It was a hot sunny day...not so easy on ol' Preggers if you know what I mean but it was nice to get out and enjoy another summer day with my family.

Staycation 2011- Day 7

Marnie & I were on our own for most of the day on Thursday- poor John had a migraine that kept him in bed. It was raining off & on so we decided to go to the library to kill some time. Obviously every stay-at-home Mom in Fairfield decided to do the same thing, the library was packed!
John was feeling better come dinner time & the rain had cleared so we got sandwiches to go & went and had a picnic on the beach. Miss Marnie decided to skip the corndog I got her & ate only strawberries for dinner. She's on staycation, she can do whatever she wants!


Staycation 2011- Day 6

Wednesday was going to be another gorgeous day so we decided to head back over to Lake Mohegan for a few hours... that is after we had an awesome homemade waffle breakfast!
Grammy, Grampy, Jack & Claire met us over at the lake & the kids all had a blast.

Yes, they are holding hands! *so cute*

Still chasing the duck!

Staycation 2011- Day 5

Tuesday the Guadagno's were off for more fun in the sun. This time we went to Lake Mohegan, where they have a quiet wading lake & sprinkler/water/play area for the kids. Marnie loved the fact that the water was still & could easily walk in all by herself. And she really loves the sand. It doesn't bother her to have it all over her or to be buried in it (see pics!!). She didn't really love the sprinkler area but of course John tried to make it fun by running under the water with her. Overall, another nice staycation day!!