Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pool Party & Double Trouble Day I

Since we knew we were having a family party on Saturday, John & I begged our doctor to set up an early ultrasound to find out the sexes of the babies, this way we could surprise everyone at the party. In Guadagno style, we made sure to make it fun! So we had the tech write down the sexes of the babies & seal them in 2 yellow plastic easter eggs. We decided we would find out what we were having along with everyone else at the party. Nobody knew that we had found out the sexes so it would be a complete surprise! We hid the first egg in a shark pinata & had the oldest to youngest at the party have a whack at the pinata. We only made it through a few people before the egg flew out. Baby A is a girl!!!!! After that we resumed the party- which ended up being the perfect day for a pool party. For Baby B's surprise we hid the egg in a shark watermelon we made for dessert. Baby B is a girl!!!!!

Bring on the Pink!!!

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