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Friday, March 11, 2011

Sick Again

My poor little baby. She's sick again. This time with a nasty cold. She started coming down with something Tuesday could tell something was brewing. By Wednesday morning she woke up all congested. John took her to the doctors and they said she just has a cold & has to work it out of her body herself. Ugh. Wednesday night I took a nice long shower with her...I rocked her back & forth and hummed in her ear....I guess the warm water combined with my Mommy moves were super relaxing because my sweet little angel fell asleep in the shower!!! Yesterday I stayed home with her...she was miserable (not in attitude, but in how she felt). John is home with her today. When I left for work at 8:00am she could barely keep her eyes open..we both had a really rough night of sleep. I hope she feels better real soon...I miss my happy go lucky baby!!

Sick in bed

Mylee spent the day with us

Whoopsie...did you want to keep that ear Mylee?
Best buds

Breakfast break...I manage to get a teeny smile

And back to sleepy by 9:30am

Sweet Angel

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