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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Should We Keep Him?

So we caught a little baby mouse this weekend..oh my gosh was he cute. We thought we might have some little furry friends living in the house with us so we set up a couple of those humane mouse traps that catches them in a little plastic container rather than snapping their poor necks. Why kill them? He didn't know he wasn't supposed to be living in our house. And to be honest...I don't blame him. That little guy was probably living a pretty good life in our warm house, eating dropped baby food off the floor or nibbling on dog food that was left in the bowls.
Well he has a new home down by the river..literally. But before John let him go we put him in a clear bowl so that Marnie could get a good look at him. I gave him a little shredded cheese & some milk but I guess he was too full on the peanut butter he had out of the trap because he didn't even touch it. Did I mention this little bugger was pretty darn cute? John even said "should we keep him?". No- we are not keeping him. Yes- we know they carry a lot of germs. But still...he was cute. Hope he is doing okay in his new home somewhere!

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