Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yum Yum, Grandma

Marnie had a special visitor come & spend time with her yesterday..Grandma O! Mom came up Tuesday night & stayed over to watch Marnie for the day on Wednesday. She was busy making meatballs & sauce and pot roast for upcoming dinners for us Guadagno's. She also made special mini cupcakes just for Miss Marnie....and she loves them!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

"I'm Gonna Get You!"

John was away this weekend in Arizonia so Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie came for a visit. Man life is easy when those two girls are around. They love to play with Marnie and entertain her...I just have to sit there & relax and occasionally change a diaper or two! Now that Marnie is mobile & really starting to get around by "cruising" she is a lot more fun to play with. She screeched & giggled as Maddie said "I'm gonna get you" & chased her around the sofa. It's so cute to watch her trying to run from Maddie. Click here & here to see them playing!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Every Penny Counts

There is a small bowl that we keep in the kitchen for all of our spare change. I decided that whenever it would fill up I'd put the money in Marnie's piggy bank. Then I thought...why should I do it? It's her money, she should put it in her piggy bank. So, for the last 2 months Marnie & I get the change, pour it on her bedroom floor and she puts the coins in the piggys slot. Am I a smart Momma or what? I'm teaching her how to save money while practicing her motor skills. *pat on my back* Now, if I can only teach her not to try to put the dirty coins in her mouth....
Click here to watch her!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Super Star

Now that the weather is getting warmer John tries to play a game of pick-up soccer down at one of the local fields on Sunday mornings. So this past Sunday Marnie & I decided to surprise him and watch him play. Daddy was a super star!

Notice all the other "spectators" there? Uh huh...just the Guadagno girls cheering on their favorite guy!

Garden Expo

Saturday we all walked up to the high school where they were hosting a Garden Expo...anything to get out of the house!! Notice the blue shirt Marnie is know, the one that is 6 sizes too big? John insisted on her wearing his old Sun Devils soccer jersey again. I've learned to pick my battles.


While Marnie was sick this past week all she really wanted to eat was her milk and Ritz crackers. I guess anything is better than nothing, as long as something is getting in her little belly, right? Well, my sweet baby has such nice manners, she made sure she shared her crackers with her two furry sisters. Click here to watch!

Sharing takes a lot out of a girl!

70 Degrees In March?!!!

This past Friday it was gorgeous here in Fairfield, a sunny 70 degrees! Marnie & I have been couped up inside all week (she was gracious enough to share her wicked cold with me) so it was so nice to be able to sit outside & have lunch.

Goin Through The Car Wash

This is what our entertainment has dwindled down to....going through the car wash.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sick Again

My poor little baby. She's sick again. This time with a nasty cold. She started coming down with something Tuesday could tell something was brewing. By Wednesday morning she woke up all congested. John took her to the doctors and they said she just has a cold & has to work it out of her body herself. Ugh. Wednesday night I took a nice long shower with her...I rocked her back & forth and hummed in her ear....I guess the warm water combined with my Mommy moves were super relaxing because my sweet little angel fell asleep in the shower!!! Yesterday I stayed home with her...she was miserable (not in attitude, but in how she felt). John is home with her today. When I left for work at 8:00am she could barely keep her eyes open..we both had a really rough night of sleep. I hope she feels better real soon...I miss my happy go lucky baby!!

Sick in bed

Mylee spent the day with us

Whoopsie...did you want to keep that ear Mylee?
Best buds

Breakfast break...I manage to get a teeny smile

And back to sleepy by 9:30am

Sweet Angel

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fun At Grammy's

Since Marnie started daycare Grammy has been picking her up when she gets out of work at 3:30 a couple of times a week. John and I love it. She goes to daycare and has her breakfast, plays with her friends and new toys, has her lunch, takes a 2+ hour nap and then Grammy is there to get her. How perfect is that? And we know she is getting full on lovies over at Grammy & Grampy's and just having fun. Here's a pic Grammy sent me yesterday of Marnie playing with a train set and click here to watch the video she took of Marnie practically running with the kiddie walker. Hysterical!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Marnie Loves Oso

Last night Marnie & I took a nice long bath together and then she laid in bed with John for a bit while I went downstairs to make her bedtime bottle. It is now 8:45pm- a little later than her usual 8:00pm bed time. So there I am, making her bottle when I hear the theme song from 'Special Agent Oso' BLARING from upstairs. 'What the heck??" . It's 8:45! This kid should be winding down for bed! What are those two nutjobs doing up there??

Mmmm hmm. Click here & here to see!

Monday, March 7, 2011

10 Months Old!!!!

Grammy's Wish

Saturday afternoon we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for dinner. It was so much fun! Grammy has been hoping to get all of her granbabies at once over to her house & it finally worked out that all the kiddos were healthy enough to get together. I think all the kids had a great time playing together. And although Marnie is the youngest, she was still able to play & watch the bigger cousins run around. Next year will be a whole new ballgame!!

Ice cream time!
Lily, Marnie, Claire,Lucy & Jack

Lily was showing Marnie how to put the ball in the tube

Baby Blue Eyes