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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Marnie's Day

So the last two days that Parshnie has worked she has kept a diary of Marnie's day (we totally didn't ask her to do that is a check plus for her!). This is what it said for yesterday:

  • Good Morning Marnie : )
  • 8:30am= 6 oz
  • 8:45am= out for usual walk, glad for the hat- Marnie could look around & not have the sun in her eyes
  • 9:30am= back at the house. BM & looks like the poop is back to normal consistency (fyi- Marnie was constipated day before, that's what she is talking about). Marnie has 4oz. She's so happy & active & "talking" so much. Thought we were going to play longer....
  • 10:00am= like clockwork. Marnie is asleep
  • 11:00am= Marnie is awake. She's in a mellow mood. We cuddle on the chair & read books
  • 11:45am= Marnie is asleep again.
  • 1:37pm= I can't believe she's still sleeping! I was even in there changing out the diaper pail and being a bit noisy & SHE IS STILL ASLEEP! lol
  • 1:53pm= Marnie still sleeping. Love love love those Myers clean day wipes. I just want to walk around wiping surfaces. They smell awesome!
  • 3:00pm= Finally. Marnie is awake. She is in such a zen mood. She has a BM. Regular consistency.
  • 3:15pm= 4 oz, watching Elmo
  • Super fab day so far. Urghhh..that treat basket...Hide it!! lol! tell me....we got lucky with such a great nanny, huh? My pic update today from Parshnie was of Marnie lounging on the floor in her boppy with a huge smile on her face. *sigh*

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