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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Cup Of Spoons

Ok, so my 4 1/2 month old baby REALLY does think she's older & wiser than she is!
I ran home for lunch today...I walked into the kitchen to find Marnie sitting in her bumbo & Parshnie sitting at the counter with her. In Marnie's hand is a pink spoon. Beside her on the counter is a mug full of spoons & ice. I was like "what the heck is that?". Parshnie said "a cup of spoons". "A cup of spoons? (lol)...what do you mean? (lol)". So Parshnie said she gave Marnie her lunch of oatmeal & pears...then Marnie seemed to still be hungry so she gave her some banana's. Then she kept trying to take the spoon from Parshnie so after she was done with lunch Parshnie gave her the spoon. Apparently Marnie kept putting the spoon in her Parshnie thought to get the spoons cold so they felt good on her gums. Genius! Marnie sat there shoving the spoons in her mouth because they were the process she is learnign how to feed herself with a spoon! Right?? Spoon to mouth = happiness!
Parshnie is a genius. We'll keep her!

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