Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Excuse Me Missy...You're Supposed To Be Sleeping!

You see this kid? She's supposed to be sleeping. She had a late nap yesterday so she was up later than usual. I gave her a bottle of milk & rocked her around 9:25pm. She was laying quietly in my arms, still awake, but looking like she was ready to doze off for the night. So I put her in her crib thinking she would drift right off to sleep. Click here to watch the video of Miss Marnie clearly NOT sleeping when I went in to check on her 10 minutes later (p.s. video will appear dark for a minute...keep your volume up). She cracks me up.

What The Hecckkkk?

Yesterday early evening I went into Marnie's room to wake her up from a late nap. That kid was passed out...almost comotosed. She usually sleeps on her belly now so I rubbed her back...said quietly "Marrrrrrrrnie...time to wake up baby"....and so she slowly wakes up. She lifts her head & smiles at me with a sleepy face. So I go to roll her over to get a good look at her & when I do this her little dress comes up a bit. I started hysterically laughing....see below pics of what I saw!

Hi baby!!

What the heck??? Ahahaha
Guess she didn't move much during that 2 hour nap!
Think her hand fell asleep?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Cup Of Spoons

Ok, so my 4 1/2 month old baby REALLY does think she's older & wiser than she is!
I ran home for lunch today...I walked into the kitchen to find Marnie sitting in her bumbo & Parshnie sitting at the counter with her. In Marnie's hand is a pink spoon. Beside her on the counter is a mug full of spoons & ice. I was like "what the heck is that?". Parshnie said "a cup of spoons". "A cup of spoons? (lol)...what do you mean? (lol)". So Parshnie said she gave Marnie her lunch of oatmeal & pears...then Marnie seemed to still be hungry so she gave her some banana's. Then she kept trying to take the spoon from Parshnie so after she was done with lunch Parshnie gave her the spoon. Apparently Marnie kept putting the spoon in her Parshnie thought to get the spoons cold so they felt good on her gums. Genius! Marnie sat there shoving the spoons in her mouth because they were the process she is learnign how to feed herself with a spoon! Right?? Spoon to mouth = happiness!
Parshnie is a genius. We'll keep her!

Hi Dad! Mom & I Say 'Hi'!!!!!

Wasn't Havin It

So John is in Chicago for the next few days/nights so I thought it would be nice to post a few pics to the blog especially for him. Last night Marnie was wearing her "I love my Daddy" onesie & I tried to accessorize with John's favorite Dolphins hat that he's had for yeaaarrrrrs. Yeah, it didn't go so well. Check out the pics below of my little model who just wasn't havin it.

This was one of the first pics I got without the hat...adorable!
See below as pics got worse.....ahahaha

Anyways, enjoy the pics Johnny!!! : )

Monday, September 27, 2010

All Dressed Up & No Place To Go

This was my morning pic from Parshnie. Look at Miss Marnie all dressed up in her little dress, tights & shoes. It's raining here in CT today, so poor girl has no place to go.

Daddy's Back

I guess Marnie was happy to have John home. They watched the Dolphins/Jets game last night together (note Marnie is wearing her 'Jets suck' hat). Take a peek at the closeup pic I got....

Marnie Model's

So yeah, Marnie & I had all of Saturday to ourselves since John went to a bachelor party in Providence. What to do? What to do? You know it! I had my pretty little baby model for me. Here's some pics from our "shoot".


We had a super lazy's Marnie loungin.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tootie Long Strong

Found this old video of Kaelyn & Marnie...what a good big cousin Kaelyn is. Click here to watch the video!
And BTW...was my kid really that small at one time??? I don't remember!

I Wanna Be Doin This!

This is what Marnie gets to do while I'm at work. I'm jealous! I wanna be laying around, watching tv, being fed...that seems much more fun that answering phones & sending faxes. Don't you agree?

Damn Mosquito

So there we are last night, standing out on the front yard watching John play ball with Tortilla & Mylee. The biggest mosquito I've ever seen lands right on Marnie's forehead. I swat it away & look to see if it had gotten Marnie. No mark or anything. Great! This is really good news because when Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie & myself get bit we get enormous red welts. So, looked like Marnie was taking after John in the mosquito department. All was well until this morning when I went to get Marnie out of bed. Poor baby has the biggest bug bite evvvvvvver. Guess she didn't luck out after all. She's cursed, just like the rest of us Otterbein girls.

Wiggle Worm

I don't know...this kid, she is amazing. I really think the doctors might have screwed up when they guessed my due date. Maybe I was so huge because they were 2 months off. What do you think? Maybe that's why she is so big! And maybe that is why she is so "active" and "alert" and so advanced for a 4 month old. Could be. You never know.

So Marnie's new thing is pushing her butt up in the air & pushing off with her little feet. She can move all over the bed or in her crib. Click here to watch our little wiggle worm in action.

And then take the poll on the right hand side of this long do you think until our little lady starts crawling!

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Too Early

Marnie woke up this morning around 6:15am. I got up, changed her, fed her, danced to James Taylor with her & then around 7:00am I laid her in bed with John so I could get ready for work. Normally every morning they lay in bed and watch Handy Manny together. Well...not this morning. These lazy bones both fell back asleep.

**soooo jealous**

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brrrr.....Baby It's Cold Outside

Friday night Marnie & I went with Robyn & Maddie to watch Kaelyn's soccer practice. We sat outside for over an hour & this kid didn't make a peep. How good is she?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

4 Month Checkup

Marnie had her 4 month checkup on Friday...all is great! Here's her stats:

Weight: 16 pounds 2 ounces- 97 percentile
Height: 28 inches- ummm...uhh...the doctor said she is so tall she is literally off the chart.....and she is equilavent in size to a 9 MONTH OLD!!!!!!

Marnie's praying that the next bottle of milky she gets will be bigger than the last! (And yes, she really fell asleep like that.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

She's Ready For More!

I couldn't run home for lunch today so I missed out on seeing Marnie. I asked if Parshnie could send me a pic of her...this is what I got! : )

"Lunch time Mommy!"
I love how she is wearing a little dainty dress with tool underneath & accessorized with a pig bib. Hysterical!!!! Made my day.

Marnie Gets Cereal

Last night we gave Marnie her first taste of rice cereal. She thought it was "eh". She tried to lick the spoon like the dogs..ahahaha..monkey see, monkey do? Mom N & Howard came over to watch the spectacle. Click here for a short video of Marnie trying her first spoonful of it.

Not impressed