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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Essex Steam Train Polar Express

Tonight we went up to Essex to the steam trains Polar Express. So much fun! For an hour+ you sit in a train car & sing songs & dance, take pics with Santa & Mrs Claus, have hot chocolate & cookies, all while they take you to the North Pole! And the best part do it in your pajamas! One part of the ride, Sara Sweaterpants (the dj of the train car) was asking the kids who their favorite sports teams were, and she went through the whole list of the New England based football & baseball teams. Marnie tapped her on her leg & said her favorite team was "the Dolphins"! You should have seen the look of pride on Johns face!! ahaha...Then Sara asked again who else was their favorite and Marnie answered again..."the Bumble"! ahahahaha.....we had just watched Rudolph the night before so I guess it was on her mind. Don't you just love the mind of a 3 year old?

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