Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fathers Day

Since we came back from Mexico late afternoon on Sunday, Fathers Day, we decided to make today Johns official Fathers Day! His special day started off  being woken up to the girls dressed in shirts of his 3 favorite sports teams: Miami Dolphins, Yankees & Providence Friars. They had a shirt for him too- a t-shirt with this first picture of them with the words "TEAM DADDY" written above the pic. Can you say "Ka-Uuute??". We stopped & got some bagels then headed to the beach with Pop Pop. Then we headed home for lunch & naps. After naps we took the train from Fairfield to Westport (a whole 10 minute ride with 2 stops) to go for dinner at the Black Duck. The girls loved taking the train, they kept saying "cho choooo"! When we got back to Fairfield after dinner we walked around town & got ice pops at Las Vetas Lounge. It was a nice night for our family!
 Happy Fathers Day Daddy!!!





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