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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 11, 2013

MSB Tattoo

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo of the girls first name initials for a long time now and finally, the day before Mothers Day I did it! I've put a lot of thought into it over the last 8+ months and along the way there has been some cool "signs" that this is what I was supposed to do. The first big "sign" was when I was driving to Robyns house last fall and I was stopped at a stop light in Middletown, NY. I literally had been thinking about getting the tattoo only moments before when I looked up and saw a sign that read "MSB" (Middletown Savings Bank). Amazing! Those are obviously the initials of the three girls. I then looked across the street while still waiting at the stop light & what do I see? A tattoo parlor!!!! That was it- I KNEW I would be getting my tattoo! Now fast forward to a few days ago. I had posted on Facebook a request from people about knowing a good, clean place to get a tattoo in the area. Only 1 person responded with a name of a place- Ink Side Out. Ok, great, nothing exciting there. Until the next morning, I was watching the news & there was a feature on local tattoo parlors and the only one mentioned was Ink Side Out. Mmmhmm. Done! Another "sign". So I made the appointment for the day before Mothers Day, this way I would always remember that I had gotten it right before a special day for me!
So, my other thought process for getting my tattoo went like this: I knew I wanted it on my left wrist, thinking it would have the same effect as a wedding band being placed on the ring finger (According to tradition the wedding ring is worn on the left hand ring finger because the vein in the left ring finger was believed to be directly connected to the heart, a symbol of love). Each of the girls has a Tiffany's pendant with their first name initials inscribed on it- I wanted to have that exact font used on the tattoo, this way they would always have that necklace & remember that I had that exact initial tattoo'd on me until the day I died. Kind of like a remembrance of me & how much I loved them. Well, I braved the pain (and let me tell you...IT HURT!!) and I absolutely love the classic simplicity of it.

MSB- my 3 Loves.

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