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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

My Mothers Day started off by Marnie coming in to my room & giving me a big huge hug (with an apron on) & her handing me a pink sheet of paper that read "Mothers Day- Agenda & Menu" (bullet points on the paper read: Morning Rise/Brunch with the Bunch/Nails & Nappy/Picnic at the Beach/Showering of Gifts-Pastry Time/Watch but don't life a Finger/Spa Treatment/Nighttime Spooning & Snuggling). Hello! Already an awesome start to the day!! Next I had a light pre-brunch breakfast in bed brought to me. Then each girl walked in with a bouqet of tulips- Simone & Brynn also wearing aprons. We had to get ready quick so that we could meet Grammy & Grampy and Aunt Paula at the Great River Golf Club for a buffet brunch. We got there early so that John & Marnie could take some shots on the putting green. After brunch we went back to the house & all took a nap (aahhh!). The weather was gorgeous so when the troops were ready we headed to the beach for an hour then came home for dinner. 
Take out from Quattro Pazi + no cooking or cleaning=
 Best Mothers Day Ever!





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