Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 31, 2013

Beardsley Zoo With Friends

Marnie had a play date with her school buddies Brandon & Vincent at the Beardsley Zoo. These 3 ran around like they owned the place! Simone & Brynn had a fun time too. Simone loved feeding the goats..Brynn, not so much. Ahaha...she cried when the goat got anywhere near her.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Parade

We had gorgeous weather for this years Memorial Day Parade.  Amy, Claire & Brady and our neighbors Sue & Sara met us downtown to watch the parade together. The kids all had a great time and really loved the marching bands. So fun! John & I left there smiling and saying "what a nice day". And it was.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Grandpas 67th Birthday

John was in Brazil for work for almost a week so I packed up all the girls, including Tortilla & Mylee, and headed to NY. We got to see Grandma O and celebrate Dads 67th birthday with him. I took the girls to the $1 store to pick out some silly things for Grandpa...take a look at what we found!

Playing Hide & Go Seek

Now that's a pretty good hiding spot!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Birthday At School

Marnie got to have pink cupcakes (her request) with her friends at school for her birthday. As part of her special day I got to come in & read the class a book. Marnie had chosen "Hop, Waddle,Swim"- one her favorites that is read at least 2 times a week before she goes to bed. And of course,  Simone & Brynn tagged along. Yeah for class birthday parties!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Love My Girls!!!

Mothers Day

My Mothers Day started off by Marnie coming in to my room & giving me a big huge hug (with an apron on) & her handing me a pink sheet of paper that read "Mothers Day- Agenda & Menu" (bullet points on the paper read: Morning Rise/Brunch with the Bunch/Nails & Nappy/Picnic at the Beach/Showering of Gifts-Pastry Time/Watch but don't life a Finger/Spa Treatment/Nighttime Spooning & Snuggling). Hello! Already an awesome start to the day!! Next I had a light pre-brunch breakfast in bed brought to me. Then each girl walked in with a bouqet of tulips- Simone & Brynn also wearing aprons. We had to get ready quick so that we could meet Grammy & Grampy and Aunt Paula at the Great River Golf Club for a buffet brunch. We got there early so that John & Marnie could take some shots on the putting green. After brunch we went back to the house & all took a nap (aahhh!). The weather was gorgeous so when the troops were ready we headed to the beach for an hour then came home for dinner. 
Take out from Quattro Pazi + no cooking or cleaning=
 Best Mothers Day Ever!