Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 18, 2013

4 Whole Days!

The girls went to Camp Yearwood for 4 days...4 WHOLE DAYS!!! It was glorious! For them I mean, of course! Grandma Alice & Grandpa Fred brought dinner over one night, BY & Jenna came for a visit, and Grandma & Grandpa O came over to watch the girls for a few hours so that Robyn & Brian could run out for a bit. So these girls got lots of lovin & cuddling. Lucky Marnie got to sleep with Buddy & Ian every night like a big girl. How much fun for them!

Trip to Chuckie Cheese! 

Robyn posted this pic of Marnie to Facebook & wrote this caption:
 I am paying homage to my late Grandma Steele and using her oldest and dearest babysitting technique... chips and dip!!! Works like a charm - thanks Tessie!

Click here to see what Robyn was talking the video on the other post.

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