Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dog Food

Soooooo apparently the babies like eating the dogs food. Mmm hmm. So now the dogs are fed when the babies are either in their highchairs or upstairs sleeping. John thought it was a great idea for them to eat the dog food...he said "Think about all the money we'd save if they just ate dog food!".

Oh yes, that would be a mouth full....with reserves in her right hand! 


Poor Tortilla got a scratch on her eyeball so she's had to wear a cone around her neck for the last few days. Simone is loving the cone! She's been spinning it around like its a steering wheel. Rainbow just sits there & lets her do it. Poor poor puppy. Click here to watch!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pajama Bedtime Story

After dinner I took Marnie to the library for their Pajama Bedtime Story to hear some stories read to us. So cute! All the kids were in their pj's and some had brought pillows, blankets & stuffed animals along with them. At the end of story time the librarian gave each child a sticker & waved a wand over their head & wished them sweet dreams. Why can't someone do that to me??

Stinkin Cute

Isn't she?

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Never mind the fact that this is a pretty funny pic of Marnie...lets talk about the length of the eyelash that fell out & is under her right eye. Seriously? Do you see the size of that thing??? That is one lucky little lady, that's for sure. Just wait til she's old enough to put mascara on......aaahhhhhh.....*totally jealous*

Music Show

We had dinner over at our friends Amy & Jeffs house. The kids decided they wanted to put a music show on for us. 5 kids banging & jingling...that's a whole lotta noise!

Maritime Aquarium

It was another cold winter day so we packed the girls up & met Pop Pop at the Maritime Aquarium. Perfect way to spend the morning! Marnie had a blast going from one exhibit to the next with Pop Pop. Simone really liked looking at all the big tropical fish swimming and Brynn just liked running around. Yup.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sleepover At Grammy & Grampys

Marnie, Claire & Jack had a special sleepover at Grammy & Grampys. This is how they ended up falling asleep...but something tells me its not how they woke up in the morning.  : )

Just A Regular Friday Afternoon

Dinner Time

This is what I get every night its time to make dinner: A little girl whining to be picked up & held. Mmmhmmm. Evvvvery night.

Naughty & Nice

Man are these 2 kids so different! Brynnie is a mishievous little devil...always climbing, opening drawers, in the dog bowls, you name it, she does it. Most often I'll find Simone sitting by herself playing with toys or reading a book (her favorite thing to do). They are totally Naughty & Nice!!!

Brynn climbed on the chair & was playing with Johns cell phone & laptop! (This was NOT a staged pic! lol)
 Good girl Simone reading her book

Static Electricty

Bath For All 3

Here's the difference in what kind of baths the girls get when John is traveling & I have to do it myself or when he is home & I have help getting them in & out of the bath tub. I think they prefer being together.
Click here to watch them in the tub!
When Daddy is away:

 When Daddy is home:

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I knew there was a reason I was holding off letting the babies eat yogurt on their own!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Connect Four

The girls had been playing Connect Four very nicely together. Next thing ya know most of the chips were missing. Marnie decided to put them all down her pants & in her underwear. Looks like she had some help too from Brynnie. By the way..fair warning..I didn't wash the chips before putting them back in the box. 
Play at your own risk.
Click here to watch Marnie in action.

Monday, February 18, 2013

4 Whole Days!

The girls went to Camp Yearwood for 4 days...4 WHOLE DAYS!!! It was glorious! For them I mean, of course! Grandma Alice & Grandpa Fred brought dinner over one night, BY & Jenna came for a visit, and Grandma & Grandpa O came over to watch the girls for a few hours so that Robyn & Brian could run out for a bit. So these girls got lots of lovin & cuddling. Lucky Marnie got to sleep with Buddy & Ian every night like a big girl. How much fun for them!

Trip to Chuckie Cheese! 

Robyn posted this pic of Marnie to Facebook & wrote this caption:
 I am paying homage to my late Grandma Steele and using her oldest and dearest babysitting technique... chips and dip!!! Works like a charm - thanks Tessie!

Click here to see what Robyn was talking the video on the other post.