Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years 2013

We decided to stay in this year for New Years. It was pretty uneventful until we found a ladybug flying around upstairs. We spent a good 20 minutes taking turns holding it. Ahaha. That was our excitement for the night! That was until Brynn decided to take a spill off one of the counter stools head first, literally, onto the floor. I spent the rest of the night laying in bed with her with a frozen bag of corn stuck to her head. Poor baby. So at 9:15pm I shut the lights off & went to Brynnie by my side in my bed so I could keep an eye on her (incase of swelling, concussion, etc). I'm hoping next year goes a little differently!  ; )

sleepover grammy

Monday, December 30, 2013

Shopper In Training

Grandma would be disappointed coupons  : (

Peabody Museum

Us girls got our Dinosaur on! We went to the Peabody Museum in New Haven to check out their dinosaur exhibit. It was the first time I took them all out by myself without putting Simone & Brynn in a stroller...they did AMAZING. I was so proud of them, they listened & behaved & had a really great time. 
Nice day out with my girlies. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Stamford Museum & Nature Center

We went to the Stamford Museum & Nature Center this morning to check out the Legos exhibit & to see some animals. Was a nice morning spent out. Marnie said her favorite part of the day was throwing rocks into the water.  : )


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cookies & Milk For Santa

Although Simone & Brynn went to sleep early Marnie got to stay up late & made sure to leave the cookies & milk out for Santa. I think he liked them, there was nothing left when the girls came down the next morning.  ; )

Ugly Sweater Christmas Eve

Another Christmas Eve celebrated at the Guadagno household, only difference this year was the ugly sweater contest with which Grampy won!