Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 11, 2011

Beardsley Zoo

Saturday was going to be a nice day so we packed up & headed 10 minutes down the road to the Beardsley Zoo. It's very small and you can get through it in less than an hour & a half, which is perfect for a quick little family outing. This trip to the zoo was pretty different from our last trip to the Bronx Zoo when Marnie was only 5 months old- she was so into it! She kept looking at the animals we would point out and you know what she started doing? She would raise her hand out towards the animals and say "a dat"...which we think is her repeating us saying "look at that" as we tried pointing out the animals to her. So cute! Click here to see her say it! Halfway through our zoo maze we came across the barnyard animals. You could buy small handfuls of pellet food to feed the goats so I did it so Marnie could see the goats up close. You know what that little stinker did? She whined & put her hand out...SHE wanted to feed the goat! So she did! Such a nice day!! "A dat"

This kid was konked out within 3 minutes of us leaving the zoo

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