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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"All Done" & Ohhh My God

Guess what Miss M says..."All done". Whenever she hands me her empty bottle I'll say "All done" and take it from her. I guess she's sick of me saying it so she took it upon herself to tell me it's all done.
So last night I was showing John how she says it & of course I wanted to video tape it since 1) it's so cute and 2) I want to make sure it's documented for the blog. So there we are, trying to get her to say "All done"...which she obliged us & said it numerous times. you know what she did????? She turned around & started walking!!! John & I were in shock and both of us didn't make a peep, we just stared in utter awe. She took 13 steps & I got it on video! Click here to watch!

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