Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Okay, Fine! I'm Done.

This morning I got Marnie ready for school & then wanted to take a couple of pics of her near the blooming Rhodies (as us Otterbein's call Rhododendrons). Having her able to stand now is making for some much better looking pictures. So she let me snap a few pics, then she had it. She was over the picture taking & gave out a nice little yell (see pic below). I get it, I get pics first thing in the morning....

Maybe She's Thirsty?


Yesterday I pulled into the driveway after work & found John pulling weeds & Marnie sitting on a blanket, just hanging out. Hysterical. Apparently she sat on the blanket for almost an hour while John worked. One of our neighbors even came over to say hello & asked if she could take a picture of Marnie because she was so cute just sitting there (umm, could ya blame her?). I think she didn't budge off that blanket because she didn't want to touch the grass...which she is not very fond of walking on barefoot. But what kid just sits there, for an hour, watching their Dad weed? MY kid.

Ummm Rainbow....

I think you're in somebody else's seat.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"All Done" & Ohhh My God

Guess what Miss M says..."All done". Whenever she hands me her empty bottle I'll say "All done" and take it from her. I guess she's sick of me saying it so she took it upon herself to tell me it's all done.
So last night I was showing John how she says it & of course I wanted to video tape it since 1) it's so cute and 2) I want to make sure it's documented for the blog. So there we are, trying to get her to say "All done"...which she obliged us & said it numerous times. you know what she did????? She turned around & started walking!!! John & I were in shock and both of us didn't make a peep, we just stared in utter awe. She took 13 steps & I got it on video! Click here to watch!

Bottles & Binkies

How Cute Can One Baby Be?

Easter With The CT Crew

Easter morning we headed over to the Golon's for a family brunch. Marnie & Claire spent most of their time playing with a tea set that we got for Claire. So cute. Later on that afternoon we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for some hamburgers & hot dogs and an Easter egg scavenger hunt. Was a nice day with the family!

Tell me this is not one of the KAAA UTEST pics you've ever seen!!!

Easter Morning

Happy 1st Easter Marnie!

Are You A Member Of 'Team Marnie'?

Uncle Brian is!!!!!

Easter With The NY Crew

Musically Inclined

This kid loves music. Last week I was in the car with Marnie & J Lo's 'Let's Get Loud ' was playing on the radio....I turn around & there is Marnie waving her arms & clapping her hands to it. How funny!
Marnie also loves when John plays the here & here to watch them together.