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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 19, 2010

God Bless Marnie

This past Saturday we had a small intimate gathering to baptise Marnie. It was a cool 94 degrees & sunny...just perfect for an outdoor ceremony *rolling my eyes*. Our little princess was sooo good considering the elements.
Marnie is lucky to have Robyn as her Godmother & Bobby as her Godfather. I'm sure both of them will guide her through life with the love & support she'll need.
After the ceremony we headed back to our house for an outdoor lunch/party. It was a beautiful day, no matter what.

This was Marnie's first baptism outfit. It was originally worn by my dad, 64 years ago. It has since been worn by his two younger sisters, me, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie. Marnie was the 8th baby to wear it- how sentimental is that??

This was Marnie's second outfit- this dress was found in Nana Guadagno's house after she passed away. I kept it because I thought it was beautiful. Big G doesn't know if it was worn by him or his sister Joanne- regardless, it was definetly worn by a Guadagno.

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