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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2 Month Checkup

We have a perfect, happy, healthy baby. That's what the doctor told me this morning when I took Marnie for her 2 month checkup. Couldn't this doc tell me something I DON'T know??!!!
Marnie was once again on her best behavior. I really should videotape this kid the next time I take her in for her checkup & shots. She gets weighed, medicine shoved down her throat & stuck with a needle in her thigh...and what does she do? She lets out one little cry that lasted no more than 5 seconds. We hear more out of this chic when she wants her bottle! What can I say...I have the best baby ever.

Here's Marnie's stats:
Height: 24 3/4 inch- 97th percentile
Weight: 12.5 pounds- 90th percentile
Head: 40.5 cm- 90th percentile

Basically...our kid is the size of a 4 month old. Ha!

Here's Marnie after the doctors visit. Notice the little bandaid on her thigh? And on a cuter note...look at the frizzy tail my daughter sports. I've been thinking about braiding you think that's going too far?

Every time I go to the doctors I ask for samples...I scored again!

Marnie's new trick is sticking her entire fist in her mouth. This is our new way of knowing when she's hungry.

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